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Marguerite the Musical-Boublil/Schonberg/Legrand
  [ # 16 ] 12 May 2008 02:20 PM
Totaal aantal Reacties:  3825
Geregistreerd  2005-07-31

Dan zou ik zeker gaan. Zoveel neuws wat goed is draait er niet in Londen. Of je moet de Take That musical voorrang geven, of Gone with the Wind (waarvan de geruchten van een snelle closure hardnekkig zijn…).


And all shall know the wonder
Of Purple Summer


  [ # 17 ] 12 May 2008 02:28 PM
Broadway Ster
Totaal aantal Reacties:  3287
Geregistreerd  2006-05-26

Gone With the Wind duurt me echt te lang, klinkt als een raar argument maar om nu bijna 4 uur naar een show te gaan met matige reacties’s.. Nee.

Even wachten tot de bewegende beelden en scene foto’s komen en dan nog maar eens kijken of ik ga..

  [ # 18 ] 12 May 2008 07:28 PM
Totaal aantal Reacties:  3825
Geregistreerd  2005-07-31

Ben benieuwd wat je uiteindelijk gaat zien!


And all shall know the wonder
Of Purple Summer


  [ # 19 ] 12 May 2008 09:57 PM
Broadway Ster
Totaal aantal Reacties:  3287
Geregistreerd  2006-05-26

Jacco - 12 May 2008 07:28 PM

Ben benieuwd wat je uiteindelijk gaat zien!

uh hoe bedoel je?

  [ # 20 ] 12 May 2008 11:58 PM
West End Ster
Totaal aantal Reacties:  2217
Geregistreerd  2003-05-23

Wat je uiteindelijk in London besluit te zien als je deze zomer in London bent.

  [ # 21 ] 13 May 2008 09:19 AM
Broadway Ster
Totaal aantal Reacties:  3287
Geregistreerd  2006-05-26

ah oke:

Tot nu toe geboekt: Phantom of the Opera, Hairspray, Lion King, We Will Rock You, Lord of the Rings (laatste show), Billy Elliot, Blood Brothers, Mamma Mia, met daarnaast nog heel veel plaats voor last-minute..

Maar goed laten weer ONTOPIC gaan

  [ # 22 ] 14 May 2008 10:25 PM
Totaal aantal Reacties:  3825
Geregistreerd  2005-07-31

Eerste foto’s:

Bron: http://www.broadwayworld.com


And all shall know the wonder
Of Purple Summer


  [ # 23 ] 15 May 2008 07:13 AM
Totaal aantal Reacties:  126
Geregistreerd  2006-07-01

Het ziet er zo op de foto’s erg mooi uit, al valt het me op dat (voor zover ik dat op de foto’s kan zien) het kleurgebruik van licht en kleding wel heel erg veel wegheeft van Deckers La Traviata. Ben erg benieuwd naar de rest van de score van Legrand.


Fuggi Regal Fantasima

  [ # 24 ] 21 May 2008 01:07 PM
Broadway Ster
Totaal aantal Reacties:  4116
Geregistreerd  2003-02-28

De eerste recensies zijn vooralsnog niet erg enthousiast. Jammer want ik heb zeker genoten van ‘Marguerite’. Zeker als je van Ruthie Henshall houdt die de kans krijgt alle facetten van haar stem te laten horen. Enige minpuntje is dat de voorstelling vrij kort is, zo’n 2 uur 15 minuten inclusief de pauze.


‘Once upon a time, lived a Princess and a Prince in Kingdoms Gold and Blue’


  [ # 25 ] 22 May 2008 11:13 PM
Totaal aantal Reacties:  3825
Geregistreerd  2005-07-31

OEF! gevalletje jammer?

Whatsonstage.com (two stars) — “Julian Ovenden’s dominating personality and sex appeal are slightly scuppered by the fact that he looks more like Arnold Schwarzenegger than Brad Pitt. But he plays the keyboards very well and sings his head off. Next problem: the music by Michel Legrand has plenty of sweep and loads of lushness, and some neat and lilting jazz rhythms, but it’s short on theatrical melody and curiously bland … The show completes the bold three-production season under the direction of Jonathan Kent and is expensively designed by Paul Brown with lots of fin de siècle mirrors, dry ice, sliding panels, a revolve and a front cloth of Henshall’s overblown pretty face blinking enigmatically at the audience … This story has been cooked up — there is nothing much inspired or inevitable about it — by the Les Miserables authors Alain Boublil and Claude-Michel Schonberg, as well as the director Kent, with lyrics by Les Mis veteran Herbert Kretzmer that do their job very well. But the sound system is tinny … and the violence of torture, sexual envy and retribution gratuitously attached and unlikely to appeal to Haymarket audiences.”

Michael Billington in the Guardian (three stars) — “Why should we sympathise with a collaborator? That question haunted me through this new Michel Legrand musical inspired by La Dame aux camélias and set during the German occupation of Paris. It is highly efficient, visually deft, and moves rapidly; but the death of its mythic heroine left me stonily unmoved … The book by Alain Boublil, Claude-Michel Schonberg and director Jonathan Kent seems to be a nifty update of Dumas but glosses over a vital ingredient in the original. We warm to Dumas’ Marguerite not just because she is consumptive but because she makes an heroic sacrifice. The musical’s Marguerite, however, simply seems an opportunist who, as Armand shrewdly says, ‘screws your little pianist in the afternoon and runs home to your German general’ … If you can accept a musical with a less-than-sympathetic heroine, then there are things to savour. Legrand’s eclectic score ranges from a pointillist Sondheim-style starter to Forties jazz, romantic ballads and rousing ensembles … Kent’s fast-moving production also boasts a clever set by Paul Brown framing the action in a seductively mirrored salon. Ruthie Henshall, passionate in red velvet, is a dynamic Marguerite even if there is little hint of vulnerability. Julian Ovenden looks appropriately anguished as Armand, and Alexander Hanson, having duped the Nazis in The Sound of Music, now finds himself playing a poker-backed German officer. The show brings the Haymarket season to an impressively-staged climax.”

Benedict Nightingale in The Times (three stars) — “Henshall and Ovenden are pretty impressive in both the acting and the singing departments. She can be haughty but also broken, forlorn, poignant. He manages to be intense without being sententious and rapturous without seeming wet. And how refreshing to hear voices that cope with every note in songs which, as composed by Michel Legrand and accoutred with plain, bold lyrics by Herbert Kretzmer, soar and dive in often hummable ways. Yet I found myself unmoved when Henshall’s Marguerite, by now as fragile and pale as any trad TB victim, leaves her pianist, her Paris and the planet. Why? Well, I think it’s because the tension in Kent’s production is to be found more in the subplot than in Marguerite and Armand’s doomed affair. Boublil and Schönberg have provided Armand with a sister, Annalene Beechey’s Annette, who gets involved in the Resistance. Moreover, they’ve given that sister a lover, Simon Thomas’ Lucien, who is a Jew … And their pains and perils matter more than what happens between the love-birds in an attic … somewhere near Sacré-Coeur. Actually, the most interesting character is Otto, who veers from love of Marguerite to a dangerous bitterness at her coldness, from Nazi denunciations of ‘coloured music’ to officer-class honour, from near-rapist to self-hating gentleman. What’s needed here is music that reflects his angry, agonised contradictions, but this time the composer fails us – leaving us with a decent, enjoyable but not exactly thrilling show.”

Nicholas de Jongh in the Evening Standard (three stars)— “Ruthie Henshall’s emotionally frigid Marguerite never discovers much of a nagging conscience. La Dame, the poignant consumptive lover, no longer engages sympathy as a Nazi moll who mixes in anti-semitic high society. Jonathan Kent’s engaging production is reinforced by Paul Brown’s atmospheric evocation of grand Paris rooms, with silver-framed, mirrored windows and burnished gold panelling. The songs … tend to come at you with endless, yearning strings, melancholic keyboard musings on passion and rare Sondheimian flashes. The creators of Les Misérables and Miss Saigon, Alain Boublil and Claude-Michel Schonberg … have left musical matters to Michel Legrand and his score lacks the Boublil/Schonberg sub-operatic flair … Marguerite manages to make war, Nazis and collusion serve too much as a desultory, dramatic backdrop to the musical’s romancing – until the shocking, murderous finale … This courtesan for unexplained reasons has decided to throw in her lot with Alexander Hanson’s cold but smitten Nazi general. Henshall’s 20th-century Marguerite sings in a powerful but not very distinct voice. She lacks voluptuousness, remaining more than a bit prim and forever lukewarm … The musical, both its book and music, did not greatly captivate me, but I was impressed by the way it raises serious moral questions.”

Charles Spencer in the Daily Telegraph — “I wish I could summon up more enthusiasm for Marguerite, but the best I can manage … is one of those weary shrugs of Gallic indifference … Coming from the creators of Les Miserables and Miss Saigon, and with a score by the multiple Oscar and Grammy award-winning Michel Legrand, it’s a serious disappointment … Every hit musical I can think of has some ingredient X, some sudden touch of magic, that lifts it from the ruck. Here a plodding competence prevails … There’s no real tension in the writing, while the characterisation is flaccid in the extreme. But if you think the book is trite, wait until you have heard the lyrics by Herbert Kretzmer, with their wearily predictable rhymes and almost heroic absence of wit … Legrand’s music is agreeable enough, with lots of soupy love songs, but there is remarkably little variety in a show dominated by lugubrious balladry. The evening is saved from complete mediocrity by Paul Brown’s beautiful palace-of-mirrors design and the plucky performers. Ruthie Henshall, a truly great star of musical theatre, somehow proves both poignant and sexy in the title role despite being lumbered with such workaday material … Alexander Hanson … is memorably sinister as Marguerite’s German protector, and rugged Julian Ovenden will doubtless set female hearts aflutter as the juvenile love interest. Nevertheless, I’d far rather have spent the evening watching repeats of the immortal ‘Allo ‘Allo. Listen very carefully. I will say this only once. Your money would be better spent elsewhere.”


And all shall know the wonder
Of Purple Summer


  [ # 26 ] 08 July 2008 04:50 PM
Broadway Ster
Totaal aantal Reacties:  3287
Geregistreerd  2006-05-26

weet iemand of Ruthie volgende week woensdag en/of vrijdag middag speelt?

  [ # 27 ] 08 July 2008 06:00 PM
Totaal aantal Reacties:  661
Geregistreerd  2005-05-05

Vrijdagmiddag is er geen voorstelling.

Anders dan in Nederland spelen de hoofdrolspelers normaal gesproken alle 8 voorstellingen. Is dit niet het geval dan vertellen ze het wel als je de kaartjes koopt.


MarcelHensema*TimTeunissen*JobGreuter*Kooten,Spaaij,Bosch*Roosendaal, Boer*Michelle van de Ven*Luuk Ransijn*Marijn Brouwers*Marjolijn Touw*Renee van Wegberg*Rundfunk*Cinderella*The Visit

  [ # 28 ] 10 July 2008 08:39 AM
Totaal aantal Reacties:  649
Geregistreerd  2007-10-11

Ik ben gisteren naar deze musical geweest.
En ik kan me wel vinden in de bovenstaande recenties.

over het acteer en zang gebeuren kan je niets zeggen, Ruthie was super!
Ze hebben alles gedaan met wat ze gekregen hebben…
Alleen de muziek en teksten waren niet echt geweldig. Iets teveel van hetzelfde, erg simpele teksten..
Erg jammer…

Ook het decor was niet zoals ik dat bij een musical verwacht..

Er waren een aantal mensen weggelopen in de pauze en ook was er geen staande ovatie..


“Most people who think they are happy just haven’t thought about it enough, most people who think they are happy are actually just stupid.” (next to normal)

  [ # 29 ] 10 July 2008 04:22 PM
Totaal aantal Reacties:  574
Geregistreerd  2004-12-29

chitra - 10 July 2008 08:39 AM

Ik ben gisteren naar deze musical geweest.
En ik kan me wel vinden in de bovenstaande recenties.

over het acteer en zang gebeuren kan je niets zeggen, Ruthie was super!
Ze hebben alles gedaan met wat ze gekregen hebben…
Alleen de muziek en teksten waren niet echt geweldig. Iets teveel van hetzelfde, erg simpele teksten..
Erg jammer…

Ook het decor was niet zoals ik dat bij een musical verwacht..

Er waren een aantal mensen weggelopen in de pauze en ook was er geen staande ovatie..

Dan heb jij misschien een hele andere voorstelling gezien dan die ik 2 week geleden zag. Ik heb de show nu inmiddels 2 keer mogen zien en beide keren was het geweldig. De muziek is meeslepend mooi en het decor is (voor het haymarket theatre) zeer spectaculair en mooi. Mjah smaken verschillen…


Live the life you always want to remember!

  [ # 30 ] 10 July 2008 04:48 PM
West End Ster
Totaal aantal Reacties:  2217
Geregistreerd  2003-05-23

Klinkt als Jacco en ik vorig jaar bij The Pirate Queen van Boublil & Schonberg 😉

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